Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I’m an average Joe—the average Black man to be exact. I’m not an ideologue or a very politically inclined person; but I read the papers, blogs, and watch national news. I say all that, to say this; I believe the Democrat political leadership wants the United States to lose the war in Iraq. I hope everyone reading this finds that as shocking as I did when the revelation first struck me. I’m sure there are some, though, who are not surprised at all; but I think the large majority of regular guys like me will be.

First of all, I should tell you all that I am a registered Independent (N.P.A. and proud of it!) so I have no political axe to grind; and I was against the invasion of Iraq because I felt that Saddam was relatively contained. Secondly, I am a Black man in America, which means that most of my friends and family consider themselves to be Democrats (although they would not approve of partial-birth abortions, gay marriage, or any of that ultra-liberal crap—but that’s a topic for another day). I, like everyone else I know, thought that Bush was an idiot for dragging the US into a war that there was no need to fight. I can hear Colin Powell’s words echoing in my mind, “you break it, you own it”. That’s the ‘Pottery Barn’ rule of foreign policy. Now, guess what happened? We broke it!

The problem arises when people’s emotions become so vitriolic regarding President Bush that they are willing to position themselves against the good of the nation just prove Bush wrong. Ask yourselves. Do you want to be right or do you want to be safe? I’m not a supporter of George Bush, but I am fully comfortable saying that I want the troops to pound our enemies into powder! Ok, we didn’t want this war. That may be true; but people must deal with the reality that we are in this war. Do you want every savage dictator, despot, and radical to believe that the US is a pushover? We will be attacked from all sides by every rogue nation that perceives us as weak. I would ask Jack Mirtha, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama one question. Do you want to win? I was listening to CSPAN and a caller was still angry over the 2000 election. I will not sacrifice the lives of my family and countrymen just to prove George Bush wrong. I want the US army to be given the go-ahead kick butt. If my grandfather was alive (he was a Kennedy Democrat) he would be outraged to see the US coddling a bunch of killers who want to decapitate Americans. It’s ridiculous. We don’t live in a fairytale world where everyone is reasonable and we can have tea and crumpets with Osama. If a Democrat has any chance of winning in 2008, he/she will have to do more than simply say, “I’m against George Bush”. Defending this country from killers crosses all political boundaries. I would say to any Democrat presidential candidate that if you want to win, you should want the US to win. That’s my 2cents. I’m the Average Black Man.