Sunday, December 17, 2006

Goodbye Kofi Annan, and Good Riddance!

Kofi Atta Annan, for those who may not know, is the outgoing Secretary-General of the United Nations. Annan was the first Black man to head the international peace organization; and ultimately a dissapointment. Why, you ask? Maybe it's because I hold Annan to a higher standard. Maybe I expect a native African to do more for Mother Africa during a time when she needs so much help. Let's look at Mr. Annan's life and tenure.

Kofi Atta Annan, Atta meaning twin, was born in Kumasi Ghana with his twin Efua. He is a member of an upper-class merchant family descended from tribal chiefs. With access and education, Annan went on to Macalester in St. Paul, Institute of High International Studies in Geneva, and MIT in Massachusetts. Then, in 1962, Annan began his career with the UN. He worked his way up through the ranks for over thirty years as mostly a paper pusher. Annan functioned in financial/budget capacities until 1993 when he was placed in charge of Peacekeeping Operations.

Let's pause here for a moment. Although Mr. Annan should be applauded for his accomplishments, was he prepared for this position. What I'm asking, kids, is... Was he a fighter? Was he a man willing to fight for those who could not fight for themselves? I submit that he was not. His hesitance to exercise military might on behalf of the oppressed and inclination to coddle the tyrannical was to our detriment.

Annan had been placed in charge of the 100,000 or so blue-helmets. A substantial force, that could make a real difference in the world; and also could make a statement to oppressive despots around the world. As a child in Prichard, Alabama; I always believed the UN was like the Justice League, or the Federation from Star Trek. They were those who would intercede around the world to fight the warlords, tyrants, and dictators of our time.

Annan was asleep at the button in 1994 when over 800,000 Tutsis were slaughtered. The ex-General Romeo Dallaire, former UN commander for the mission in Rwanda, says Annan expressly prohibited UN troops from helping and ignored faxed requests for access to the weapons depository. Tragic.

Annan continued his ultra-passive stance despite the loss of life around the world and enjoyed great popularity among UN bureaucrats. Violence, mutilation, and murder continue in Darfur, Sudan. He has stood by idly while rebel factions are armed by Arab-Muslim imperialists and non-arab Africans are killed.

Simply put, I'm disappointed. A man, with personal ties to Mother Africa should have done more in 34 years of service and 12 years in authority besides effective budget cuts and administrative improvements. I disagree with Boutros Boutros-Ghali. A man in the position of authority in the United Nations can make a difference and should be faulted if he doesn't.

Goodbye Mr. Annan, and good riddance.

The Average Black Man


Anonymous said...

Kofi Annan is worst than Bush and that's hard to be.

Anonymous said...

Kofi has no backbone.