Thursday, April 24, 2014

Cliven Bundy is a Racist: Sean Hannity is a phony

Cliven Bundy is a racist, that is undeniably obvious to us all at this point. As a matter of fact, Ray Charles could have seen that Bundy was part of the supremacist/anti-gov/militia ilk from a mile away. We don't have to belabor his repugnant and ignorant comments about 'the Negro' to know this. Bundy is the personification of the Tea Party movement. He is a hypocrite. He is a bigot. He is fiercely anti-American... Let's put a caveat there. The anti-American sentiment expressed by the Tea Party and typified by Cliven Bundy seems to be a knee jerk response to an increasingly browner America and obvious frustration with what they see as new, foreign America that they want no part of. Why is this a valid assessment? There's a verse in the Bible that says 'O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.' (Matt. 12:34). What this means is that if you let these people talk long enough, eventually they'll say what they REALLY believe (a la Mitt Romney). It's just that Cliven Bundy is too ignorant and unsophisticated to disguise his true nature for very long with the code-speak and intimations so craftily used by conservative media. 
Ah conservative media--the farcical radio shows that we learned from Politico are nothing more than extra long infomercials for the interest of billionaires; and television outlets like Fox "News" which not so subtly push the will of Ailes political oligarchs onto the southern masses so effectively that Joe SixPack in South Georgia despises the very government dispensing the life saving food stamps his family is surviving on. I'm purposely not addressing the hacks in print like Bill Kristol that are so desperate to defend the Koch agenda they'll make up 'facts' on the spot. Remember his "..Paul Ryan is just waiting to unveil [the GOP alternative to Obamacare] to the public just after the new year" bit. Whatever. Let's re-focus on the golden boys of conservative talk and mouthpieces of GOP hate-mongering and race-hustling. Limbaugh is a dying dinosaur making his bread off misogyny and race-baiting. Remember his 'Barack the magic Negro' bit. He couldn't even make it on Fox Sports for one segment without race-baiting. Sean Hannity, though, really grinds my gears. This guy embraces the worst of the conservative base under the guise of TV journalism and patriotism. He's given a national platform to Ted Nugent, Ann Coulter, George Zimmerman, Hal Turner, Cliven Bundy and any other crack-pot that pops up on the scene with an axe to grind against the growing melting pot America has become and a government trying desperately to save/aid a dying middle class. Well, you be the judge. I'm just the Average Black man and that's how I see it.