Thursday, May 8, 2008


Now that the contest with Hillary is pretty much over, it's time to return fire on McCain a bit. The place to start that discussion has to be with sinking dollar and it's effects on the U.S. economy. Obama has the opportunity to jump out in front of the conservative opponent, and possibly influence some of the Reagan Democrats by talking intelligently on the falling dollar. It really is something that has been neglected by the Bush administration and can be related to rising oil prices. Tax talk is something that fiscal conservatives love to argue about with Dems because they are going to win that debate with the American people every time. No one wants hear a candidate say, "I'm going to raise your taxes, but you can afford it!"--whether it's true or not. It's just not a good talking point. Related to the dollar discussion, though, is also the idea that we must strengthen the dollar and also strengthen the image of the country around the world.

Obama's on the right road by correctly identifying the "Gas Holiday" as bad economics and a poor attempt at political pandering. I'll oversimplify for a moment; but commodities(energy, grains, livestock) are priced in dollars on global markets so a strong dollar would reduce commodity prices. That would mean lower consumer and producer inflation and boost the buying power of wages. Basically we could give the economy a B-12 shot and lower gas prices a bit in the process. That's a winning argument that not many economists would argue with and could draw in more moderate voters.

I'm just the average Black man, and that's my two cents.