Monday night, we saw a rare glimpse of the real Hillary Clinton. With wide eyes and a sharp tongue, Hillary launched lie after lie at Sen. Barack Obama. I was disgusted with what I saw. I know that to use the word lie in reference to a Clinton is blasphemy in the Democratic Party; but I'm an independent so I have no such reservations. In tirade after rude tirade, I watched Hillary tell these half-truths to the American people in an effort to tarnish public perception of Sen. Obama. I think it is obvious that the Clinton's are desperate.
I would encourage Sen. Obama to stress in the coming weeks the fact that the Clintons are mud-slingers and how Sen. Obama is refusing to stoop to their level. I think that distinction has not been made and really needs to be. The media will not stress the fact that Hillary is playing dirty pool until Sen. Obama forces them to do so. I also think that Hillary should be challenged on her so called 'experience'. She claimed during the debate that she had 35 years of experience. That is laughable! She was elected to the senate in 2000. Before that the extent of her 'experience' was as wife to Bill Clinton. As much as I like Bill Clinton, that does not qualify her to be president. I'd like to see the Obama camp draw parallels to other famous presidential wives. Is Barbara Bush qualified to be president? Is Nancy Reagan qualified to be the leader of the free world? Should we have elected Jackie Kennedy after JFK was assassinated? Then why does it follow that Hillary is somehow credited with 17 years of Bill's experience. Barack's wife is highly educated and articulate. Should she be his vice president? No. Neither is Hillary qualified to be president.
The Clinton machine is expertly skilled at destroying the character of opponents, and I think it's time we all see that for what it is. I despise character assassination in politics and I don't appreciate the way the Clinton's are distorting the facts. Again, Sen. Obama must expose this to the people, so the national distaste for this kind of politics will be recognized.
Would an Oprah special television event help? Maybe a special sit down with Oprah to address all the lies in a cordial, calm way; and show the private investigators Hillary hires and highlight the way they are conducting themselves. The only way to fight the politics of personal destruction is the same way Dr. King fought for civil rights--by the peaceful presentation of the facts in a forum where you won't be cut off or shouted down.
I'm the Average Black Man and that's my two cents.
--Stay tuned for the Average Black Man's Candidate Break-down coming soon...
See what black haters are on the list !Also see celebs FOR OBAMA !
Hillary DOES NOT HAVE OHIO LOCKED UP ! In fact, this past Sunday, Ohio's Largest Newspaper (Cleveland Plain Dealer) gave a wonderful endorsement to Barack Obama. Below are a few excepts. Funny....we're not hearing that on the news at all.....So it's up to you...The Obama Warriors to SPREAD THE WORD !
Ohio's Largest Newspaper Endorses Obama !
...Given these similarities, Ohio Democrats have to ask themselves which candidate is more likely, first, to win the White House, and, then, to persuade a closely divided country to embrace his or her vision of change. Put even more pointedly: Who is more likely to change the world of a child born in 2008?...
...The answer, we think, is Barack Obama.
Although Obama stands on the precipice of a historic breakthrough, his personal story is a classic only-in-America saga: A white mother from Kansas. A black father from Kenya. A childhood in multi-ethnic Hawaii. Scholarships to Ivy League schools. Work as a community organizer and later a law professor in Chicago. Two terms in the Illinois Senate, then a landslide election to the U.S. Senate. An electrifying keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
That speech laid out the template for this campaign. He has challenged America to move beyond rigid racial, religious or partisan divides to focus instead on shared, national goals. It's a message that appeals to young voters and independents, to disillusioned Democrats eager to regain a sense of possibility and, yes, hope.
Hillary Clinton is an exceptionally bright and accomplished woman. Only a fool could dispute that. It would be nice if Obama's policy proposals were as meaty as those she has put forward. It's no wonder she wants Democrats to see this race as a choice between résumés.
But in a campaign where history matters, she carries an inordinate amount of baggage. Who wants to relive the soap operas of the 1990s?
America needs a fresh start. Barack Obama is the Democrat to provide it.
Cleveland Plain Dealer Feb.10,
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