Wednesday, October 24, 2007


There is a new cold war in America. This time it's not between the U.S. and a nation thousands of miles away. It's right here in front of our faces; but most of us choose to ignore it. Society chooses to turn a blind eye and pretend it doesn't exist. Racism in America--our dirty little secret is beginning to bubble over. Since Martin Luther King's dramatic exposition of American hatred in the 1960's, we've all been party to a lie. Society at large would have us believe everything is 'honky-dory', no pun intended. As if we put a band-aid on America's boo-boo, and suddenly we're all better. Well, this may come as a surprise to most of you; and some of you still won't believe it but you need to hear it anyway.

Racism does exist and it is rampant in the United States.

Blacks in America have been and still are victims of domestic terrorism. Communities are terrorized by policemen who shoot, beat, and most recently, taser first; and ask questions later. City councils and local governments zone the majority Black areas for liquor stores and gun shops. Public schools receive disproportionate educational supplies. Black youth incarcerated and/or killed by authority holders is rising at an alarming rate. Martin Lee Anderson , 14, killed in Panama City bootcamp by guards. Ronald Madison, 40, shot in the back and killed by New Orleans police. Megan Williams, 20, kidnapped, tortured, and raped for days. Suburban Black family of Alpharetta, Ga has racial slurs painted on their home for the last six weeks. The Black church burnings of 2006. The list could go on and on. Each time, explained away or brushed under the carpet. Those who choose to speak out or draw federal attention to these systemic issues are labeled 'race-baiters' or immediately disregarded for playing the 'race card'.

I would submit that we should all play that 'race card'. We should slam it down on the table, grab the dealer by the collar and force him to stop bottom dealing. There is a growing racial divide in this country that could easily fracture this melting pot we all love. Like the early civil rights movement, it will take some help from fair-minded White Americans to heal this nation. Despite talking heads like Michael Medved, Laura Ingraham, and Mike Gallagher; we can't just explain away or ignore all these incidents of social injustice against our minorities. The federal government's cold war has a track record of standing idly by as killers are acquitted, authority is abused, and communities are terrorized. The vitriol against Sharpton and Jackson grows, but I've come to realize a simple fact. Sharpton and Jackson don't fly around the country staging shootings, beatings, and hate crimes; but they are despised for publicizing them and forcing us to face the cold ugliness of today's America.

50,000 people came to Jena, LA to call attention to a corrupt town of racist school officials, police, district attorney, and judges; but America still slumbers and the cold war rages on. The federal government has repeatedly refused to do its duty and step in when local governments fail. Now we have the problem of the noose. A dreaded symbol of slavery and hatred has returned to popularity in the face of an impotent legal system. We only have one America. Once it's gone, it's gone. Those of you who believe that systemic racism is an urban legend, answer me this. Would you dismiss sexism so easily? Anti-semitism? This is not just a Black problem or White problem. It is an American problem and we must first recognize it, and work together to address it.


Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.