Tuesday, November 21, 2006


That’s right kids. The Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist; the Easter Bunny is a load of crap; and now we find out that quirky Kramer (Michael Richards) from Seinfeld is bigot. I was driving home from work Monday afternoon listening to Al Sharpton’s radio show when I heard what happened. For those of you who live in a cave—or don’t have a computer, TV, radio—yours truly, The Average Black Man, will run it down for you.

Michael Richards was doing a stand up spot at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood, CA and being heckled. Richards was totally unprepared to deal with the heckling, and flew off the handle spouting racial slurs and offensive epithets to one of the Black hecklers. It would have went unnoticed if not for a young woman in the audience who video taped the whole disgusting display with her cell phone.

Now here’s my two cents.

Kramer (Michael Richards) called this young man a ‘nigger’ more times in 60 seconds than I have been in my whole life as a Black man. It was wrong. It was offensive. It was appalling. You will of course have a few Blacks crawl out of the woodwork and try to defend this guy, but what he did and said was indefensible. What he did that night basically amounts to hate-speech and it should be taken seriously. He is no better than Trent Lot’s pandering to old southern Red-Necks or Mel Gibson’s drunken anti-semitic rant. There is no justifying this and it is an indication of a deeper hatred that he had previously been able to mask. This man should be black-balled from the mainstream, but I am confident that he won’t be. There’s too many of his ilk in this country who believe that is totally justifiable to use ‘nigger’ if they are angry enough with a black man who “steps out of line”.


Mrs. Bradley said...

I agree with you.
He probably won't get black listed, but I am glad you posted the truth.
Right on!
Write on!